Sunday, June 14, 2009

Who IS "Dr." Richard A. "The Rabbit" Forman?

This simpering dandy doesn't hold a PhD.
He didn't earn an MD.

So why does he claim to be a Doctor? Simple: He's a Chiropractor.

Give me a break. Ask your doctor if chiropractors are "real doctors." The consensus is: They're quacks!

If anyone ever deserved the title, it's Dick Forman. Since taking over as Principal, he has made no friends among the staff or administration. He hasn't impressed anyone with his commitment to the students. His lack of intelligence is as obvious as the fact that his suits are two sizes too large. By trying to appease everyone, he has satisfied no one. So who is he? The Rabbit came from two schools that were closed down...(Tilden and Erasmus)..not exactly inspirational.....and the rumor mill has it that his wife left him after he pushed her down a flight of stairs! Is this true? Who knows? But it doesn't seem unlikely to those who have worked with him.

openly mocked by students and teachers alike, plotted against by his crack staff of fifteen Assistant Principals.....he seems doomed to failure.

Will someone at least give the man the phone number to a decent tailor?

A bold claim by the DOE....which is patently false.

"100% of New York City's teachers are certified"

NYC DOE website

It's actually quite easy to find out if a teacher or administrator is certified.....just type their first or last name (preferably both) into the spaces at the following website:

A quick perusal will show that probably 20-25% of the teachers at Barton aren't certified.

I HIGHLY recommend that you check the qualifications of your child's teacher.

The DOE statistics from their OWN page show that this claim is a lie.

Teacher Qualifications 2008

Total Number of Teachers 140

Percent with No Valid
Teaching Certificate 4%

Percent Teaching Out
of Certification 16%

Percent with Fewer Than
Three Years of Experience 7%

Percentage with Master’s Degree
Plus 30 Hours or Doctorate 46%

Total Number of Core Classes 560

Percent Not Taught by
Highly Qualified Teachers 15%

Total Number of Classes 613

Percent Taught by Teachers Without
Appropriate Certification 14%

Even these numbers seem questionable........


Randi Taught at Barton?

She [Weingarten] claimed she had "taught, sometimes full time, sometimes part time, at Clara Barton High School for six years."

A curious reporter from The Village Voice examined attorney Weingarten's teaching record and questioned whether she had actually completed the required two years of full-time service before she was awarded her teacher certification in September 1996. The Voice found she had taught full-time for only one semester during the five years prior to her certification, mostly teaching for only about 41 days a year.

-George A. Clowes
"Challenge Backfires on NYC Union Chief"
School Reform News
July 2003